*COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER*: The content within these recordings are property of their respective Designers, Writers, Creators, Owners, Organizations, Companies and Producers. I do not and will not profit from making and uploading these recordings, they are for fun & archival purposes only. This Disclaimer applies to all uploaded recordings within my account unless stated otherwise in videos description. I will not give out ROM links nor do I condone their use. DESCRIPTION: I buyed this a week ago and its awesome. You can put up ...
The game is set in the year 2207, so in this game, you ride some futurisitc vehicle. There are many game modes, in each of them you get medals, wich unlocks more racing series. The graphics are great and the envrioment is huge. This game will keep you entertained with its great graphics and the techno-heavy tunes....
The European exclusive PS2 port of the PSP port of the same name. This one is worth playing. Normally PS2 ports looks pixelated and blown-up as they would when stuck on the higher resoluion Playstation 2 format but Wipeout Pulse breaks from this mould. The presentation, graphics and sound all hold up on PS2 believe it or not. While I say Wipeout has seen better days, Pulse did well to impress me on PSP with a streamlined single-player mode and online play. The multiplayer Ad-Hoc support is missing on PS2, but youve still got...
Check us out at noobtoob NooBTooB is a weekly independent gaming podcast for casual and serious gamers alike. This week Tobin and Yuzo talk about: *(PSP) Patapon *(PSP) Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles *(PSP) Wipeout Pulse *(XBLA) Xbox Community Showcase *(360|PS3) Devil May Cry 4 Recap *(360) Call of Duty 4 Fiesta And preview next weeks games: *(Wii) Dragon Quest: Swords *(PS3|360) Army of Two *(360|Wii) Bully: Scholarship Edition *(DS) Chicken Hunter *(360) Fable 2 Economy Come join the forums at noobtoob If you crave...
:: ATTENTION WIPEOUT FANS AND VISITORS:: A group of Wipeout fans created a dedicated facebook page to try and get SONYs attention to hire the legendary Wipeout artist: CoLD SToRAGE, for the upcoming Wipeout 2048 game. facebook Join and spread the word! stantonwarriors Tokyo by Stanton Warriors Done! XD Now lets all be patient and wait for Wipeout HD soundtracks! :P Now Im focusing on Tekken Series!!!!!1...
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